Day 267

And non of this worked either...
#CodingPhase #TheCodingWay #365CodingPhaseChallenge


1. Gulp is not supposed to be installed globally since 3 years ago—only gulp-cli is supposed to be installed globally now. Then, you install 'gulp' itself within the project. It says so right on Gulp's website.
2. change line 26 of package.json to this: "gulp": "4.0" ---- To solve the problem with messed up Gulp installations, run the following (you may need 'sudo' in front):
npm rm --global gulp npm install --global gulp-cli -
Go to your project directory and initialize npm...
npm init -
install gulp in the project locally: npm install --save-dev gulp - Now install Zurb foundation-cli globally: npm install --global foundation-cli -
Now create your new Foundation project: foundation new --framework emails - Give your project the name 'frame-email' - Move into the 'frame-email' directory: cd frame-email -Run npm install: npm install - Now you get errors because of that stupid package.json line 26. Change line 26 of package.json to this: "gulp": "4.0" - Run npm install again: npm install


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