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        <h4 class="header-rejoice">Rejoice in the Lord always</h4>
        <h5 class="header-love">Loving God, Loving People</h5>
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          <h1>Our Mission</h1>
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          <p>The Building and perfecting of the Body of Christ
            <span>(Eph. 4:11-16)</span>
          <p>The Worship of God
            <span>(John 4:23-24)</span>
          <p>The Evangelization of the World
            <span>(Mark 16:15-20)</span>
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          <p class="shedule first">Service Times: 10:30 am Sunday &</p>
          <p class="shedule second">6:30 Wednesday - Adult Bible Study, Youth Service 6th-12th grade</p>
          <p class="shedule third">Nursery 0-2, Pre-K, & Childrens Church available</p>
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