Day 270

A portion of the instructions I wrote today finally ending the Foundation install mess.  And, yes.  I consider this coding since it directly impacts my coding.
#CodingPhase #TheCodingWay #365CodingPhaseChallenge


Run from the home directory:

Install NVM:
curl | bash

Reload environment (Or close and reopen command shell / terminal):
source ~/.profile

Install NodeJS (Latest version 10 LTS version:
nvm install v10

Check the install:
node -v
npm -v

Install local gulp first:
npm install gulp

Install global gulp second:
npm install gulp -g

NOTE: If you install the gulp global version first, you run into errors and have to start over after removing gulp.

NOTE: If you continue to get errors at this point (In Windows10 Ubuntu Bash), you will need to reset your WSL application and re-setup the Ubuntu Bash environment. You will need to google resetting the WSL. (Windows Sub-system for Linux)

I don't know what this command does, but I found several sources recommending it be part of the install procedure:
npm install gulp --save-dev

If interested - Autoprefixer can compile the flexbox css to crossing browser css: npm install gulp-autoprefixer --save-dev

Check the install:
gulp -v


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